Monday, February 16, 2009

$35 Million For Twitter

Twitter Raises $35 Million From Venture Investors

Venture-capital investors have put $35million in to Twitter, an online micro blogging website that allows users to post brief messages. The investors have not said how they plan on making money on the investment yet.
This comes as a big surprise to me, because I know that the online "social networks" are not doing to well in this economic crisis. Facebook is hurting because its main source of income is from advertisements and companies are cutting down on advertising online. So it will be interesting to see how these investors plan on making money on their investments because at this moment it does not seem like that will be a possibility. I don't know how Twitter make capital, but at this time I doubt that they are making any money at all. We will have to wait and see if this is a good move or if crashes and burns, which i think it will.

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